Compared to many people, my first experience with Lent came relatively late in life; I was in my early 30’s the first time I was invited to observe a holy Lent. And I was enthusiastic. I observed so many fasts and added so many disciplines during my first several observances of Lent that I truly had a hard time keeping them all straight. I would inevitably forget that I had decided to fast from soda, or meat, or dessert, or any food on Friday (and there were more, but I think you get the idea) when it was offered to me, and then I would feel bad afterward that I messed up.
After doing this for about three years, Michelle finally asked me what I was trying to accomplish by throwing every discipline I could dream up into my observance of Lent. When I didn’t have a good answer for her, I realized it was time to reevaluate my relationship to Lent. I had fallen into one of the most vicious spiritual traps there is: Thinking that if I worked hard enough or did more, that I would somehow make God happier with me.
The truth I’ve come to realize about Lent is that our fasts and prayers and disciplines don’t move God or change God’s mind about us in the least—God is already completely devoted to us and there is nothing we can do to change that. Instead, those disciplines are designed to move us, to make us more like Christ. So, if giving up dessert for the next six weeks doesn’t make you feel like you’re following Christ a little bit closer, then why do it? And here’s the better question: What could you do instead that would make you feel like you’re acting more like Jesus?
During this season of Lent, we are going to be doing a lot here at Christ Church of the Ascension to help us all Know, Love, and Serve Christ a little better.
Consider joining us on Wednesday evenings for a soup dinner and a group study of The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything by Fr. James Martin, SJ. It’s a wonderful book (and a fairly easy read) that is packed with straightforward guidance on praying, studying, serving, and discerning God’s will.
You’re invited on March 27th to our Choral Evensong service where we will welcome the young men of the Phoenix Boys’ Choir(including Elias Pauley!) to our church to sing beautiful hymns and sacred music with us.
And we’ll have opportunities to love and serve our neighbors throughout Lent.
· For the next few weeks, we’ll be collecting supplies to make Easter baskets to deliver to kids in Central Phoenix.
· On March 19th, a group will be building with Habitat for Humanity in the morning and another group will be sorting and packing clothing at Andre House in the afternoon.
· On March 26th, we’ll have our church and school Service Saturday where we’ll pack lunches and blessing bags (hygiene kits) for the homeless, write cards and letters to our Service Men and Women, and assemble our Easter baskets.
· Starting March 27th through Palm Sunday, the Daughters of the King will be collecting supplies for a refugee family here in Phoenix.
During this season of Lent, I invite you (once again) to join me in observing a Holy Lent through the most important discipline of all: trying to be a little more like Jesus. Let’s pray together, study together, serve together, and love together in the name of Christ our Savior.
The Rev. Dr. Perry M. Pauley
Associate Rector, Christ Church of the Ascension
Paradise Valley, Arizona
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