Prayer chain members recite the following prayer daily for those on the church prayer lists:
Lord God, giver of life and health, comfort and relieve your sick servants and give your power of healing to those who minister to their needs, that they may be strengthened in their weaknesses and have confidence in your loving care, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Members of the congregation may request prayers for themselves as well as for their family and friends. E-mail updates are sent out to members of the Prayer Chain on a regular basis. A phone tree is used to update those not using e-mail. The Prayer Chain List is available only to members of the Prayer Chain. The names of acutely ill parishioners are read during church services.
Parishioners may email the church office or call 602-840-8210 to have a name added to the prayer list as well as to report progress updates. The Prayer Chain is a vital and rewarding ministry of Christ Church of the Ascension.
Please contact the Pastoral Care line if you have need of pastoral care, prayer, or a visit. 602-840-8210 x1
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