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Daughters of the King

Joy in the Desert Chapter

At heart, the Joy in the Desert Chapter of The Order of the Daughters of the King © (DoK)sisterhood strives to support, inspire, and champion the women and girls of our parish through loving, positive relationships that provide a deep sense of community. Together we aim to extend Christ’s kingdom through prayer, service, and evangelism. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, our vision as Daughters of the King is to know Jesus Christ, to make Him known to others, and to become reflections of the joy of God’s love throughout the parish and in the community beyond.

We meet monthly as a chapter and maintain a Prayer List, which is updated monthly and whenever any daughter receives a prayer request to be added. We serve our parish family by offering private prayer in the side chapel after the 10:30am Sunday service for any who seek it. We also sponsor a number of parish events throughout the year, such as Quiet Days. We write prayer meditations and offer them to our parish family through the bulletin and email newsletter, as well as printed bookmarks. Our members serve our parish in multiple ministries such as Vestry, Altar Guild, Flower Guild, Hospitality, Choir, Lay Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Vergers, and Greeters. We serve individually in the larger community in many roles and have established a relationship with the Phoenix Dream Center as our primary chapter outreach effort, serving girls and women who have been trafficked.


Our order’s motto begins: "I am but one; but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something." The Order of the Daughters of the King © (DOK) is a spiritual sisterhood of women dedicated to prayer, service and evangelism to enhance our spiritual growth and that of the parish we serve in. We are 28,000 strong in the United States, and in multiple other countries. For more information about the Daughters of the King, or to find cities/churches where DoK chapters are located, please see our website at


Any lay or clergy woman parishioner who would like more information or is interested in joining our chapter is invited to please contact a DoK member by email at

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