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Memorial Services and Garden

Memorial Services at Christ Church of the Ascension

As Christians, we celebrate the life of your loved one and look with joyful hope toward Resurrection when we will all be raised on the last day. Funerals at Christ Church of the Ascension reflect the ancient practice of looking forward to that great day, promised to us in Jesus’ own resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Christ Church of the Ascension assists members with service arrangements for either burial at a local cemetery or cremation with interment here in our Memorial Garden columbarium. Rectors Hall is available for receptions following the service.

For more information, please email the church office or call 602-840-8210.

The CCA Memorial Garden

"Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." - Luke 23:43

The Memorial Garden at Christ Church of the Ascension offers parish families a beautiful, dignified, and consecrated space for the interment and safekeeping of the cremated remains of loved ones. Our columbarium is designed as a restful garden surrounded by the beauty of the desert in the shadow of Camelback Mountain and is always accessible to friends and family.


Christ Church of the Ascension parish members and their families may purchase a niche for interment. For more information or to schedule a tour of the Memorial Garden, please email the church office or call 602-840-8210.

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