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My Love Affair with Service

To me, service and stewardship are closely related. They’re siblings, in a sense.  If stewardship is my call to lovingly care for God’s creation, service is my call to lovingly care for God’s people. These are part of my baptismal vows, and an answer to the keeping of the second commandment.  Service is akin to stewardship but goes a step farther on that path; it includes helping and nourishing my sisters and brothers. I do strongly feel this call, and when I answer it, I feel richly fed myself.  Let me give you an example.

One day last year I came across a website for an organization called The Phoenix Dream Center (  PDC is a Christ-centered nonprofit agency that provides protective sanctuary, recovery, education, and comprehensive treatment for those who have been victimized by human trafficking. Children and young adults are referred there by agencies such as the FBI, Phoenix Police Department, and Homeland Security. After I visited the website, I felt drawn to it.  I have become involved in off-site indirect volunteering, such as writing handwritten notes of encouragement for the residents there. Before long, our own Daughters of the King became involved and adopted it as a service ministry. As I developed my relationship with the supervisory staff there, I was eventually invited to serve at PDC’s street outreach ministry called The Fountain. This small drop-in center is open on Saturdays at an undisclosed location along “The Blade” in Phoenix. This is a district along 27th Avenue that is home to the homeless, and working grounds for drug addicts, prostitution, and crime. It is known solely by word of mouth passed on through the community of women who live and work on the street. These women are among the poorest and most marginalized in our area.

One recent Saturday we saw a young woman approaching the door and we quickly unlocked it for her to enter. She was tense, tired, and dirty; she smelled of campfire, something quite common for these guests. Her eyes darted around the room as if to assess for danger before she sat on the edge of a chair. I made coffee for her and sat beside her. At first slowly, then in a rush of words and tears, worries about her estranged family, her fears, her past abuse, and a mountain of other concerns tumbled out. I held her hand and listened. There is nothing I can do for her except to love her, and she realized that.  She just needed to talk and to have a few moments feeling safe and cared for. Eventually she calmed herself, ate some breakfast, and visited the shop, which is a small room where donated clothing and toiletry supplies are neatly displayed. Each guest may choose some clean clothing and is given new underwear and personal supplies.  When she was ready to leave, with her permission we prayed for her.  She stepped toward me, and I offered a hug. As she relaxed into my arms, sighed, and put her head on my shoulder, I thought of what I’ve learned about God’s closeness to His children when they are suffering, and about how I as part of the body of Christ, am called to care for those such as these who suffer. There are a hundred ways that she and I are different, but in that moment, I knew and loved her as my sister—I saw that we are daughters of the same Father, both equally Loved. The love I felt for her, the gratitude I still feel--these are the reasons why I love to serve. 

If you have questions or comments about this or other opportunities to serve, I welcome you to contact me.

Jackie Richard

By The Rev. Fr. Rod Hurst+ January 4, 2024
Merry Christmas! Today, this Eleventh Day of Christmas (for us who begin counting on December 25th), I’d like to share some wisdom from the pen of Michael Ramsey, the 100th Archbishop of Canterbury. As Bishop of Durham, he was part of the episcopal entourage and inner circle of bishops surrounding Queen Elizabeth II at her Westminster Abbey Coronation in 1953 and, later, Archbishop of York before his elevation to Canterbury in 1961. In the 1980’s, after his retirement from Canterbury, Ramsey was a regular presence at my seminary in Wisconsin where I first learned about him years later. The following is an excerpt from one of Bishop Ramsey’s annual letters to his diocesan clergy on New Year’s Day. This is also good advice for all the people of God and us at Christ Church of the Ascension as we go into 2024 expectant of what lies ahead and grateful for all our many blessings, past, present and future. Here are The Baron Arthur Michael Ramsey’s five tips for the new year. 1. Thank God. Often and always. Thank him carefully and wonderingly for your continuing privileges and for every experience of his goodness. Thankfulness is a soil in which pride does not easily grow. 2. Take care about confession of your sins. As time passes the habit of being critical about people and things grows more than each of us realize. [He then gently commends the practice of sacramental confession.] 3. Be ready to accept humiliations. They can hurt terribly but they can help to keep you humble. [Whether trivial or big, accept them he says.] All these can be so many chances to be a little nearer to our Lord. There is nothing to fear, if you are near to the Lord and in his hands. 4. Do not worry about status. There is only one status that Our Lord bids us be concerned with, and that is our proximity to Him. “If a man serve me, let him follow me, and where I am there also shall my servant be” (John 12:26). That is our status; to be near our Lord wherever He may ask us to go with him. 5. Use your sense of humor. Laugh at things, laugh at the absurdities of life, laugh at yourself. Through the year people will thank God for you. And let the reason for their thankfulness be not just that you were a person whom they liked or loved but because you made God real to them. *** Amen! and Happy New Year !!  Grace & peace, Fr. Rod+
By The Rev. Fr. Rod Hurst December 21, 2023
Rector's Note for 12/21/23 As we enter this season of giving in celebration of the Incarnation of our Lord, I want to thank you for your generosity to Christ Church of the Ascension during 2023 in your gifts of time, talent and treasure. I want to say a special thank you also to those who have pledged for 2024! As our 2024 Stewardship Campaign continues, if you haven’t yet completed your pledge card or pledged online, I encourage you to do so as an act of spiritual worship and tangible prayer for the future of the Church in thanksgiving for all of God’s many blessings these past 60 years. Please join me in giving from the heart for the building up of this community of faith to inspire hope and love through worship and service in the Church and in the world. Make Christ Church of the Ascension part of your daily spiritual practice as you prayerfully discern what God is calling you to give in 2024 starting now. PLEDGE HERE Grace and peace, Father Rod+
By The Rev. Fr. Rod Hurst November 16, 2023
A Note for Thanksgiving My series on the Collects of Thomas Cranmer will continue at a later date; but today I’d like to share with you one of my favorite stories by pastoral care pioneer Howard Clinebell. It speaks to us about the fact that the Church, our church, is not only a house of worship and prayer but a hospital for the broken, where Christ welcomes each person, where they are and for who they are. As Christ's hands and voice we then bring the healing arts of spiritual friendship and Christ-like love to all Christ brings our way. If we were all Christ-like all the time we would have no need for Christ and his Church; but everyday experiences tell us all that we have need of Christ each and every day of our lives—the healed and the healers alike. This charming and cautionary tale tells us what we are meant to be, and what we could become if we lose sight of our mission; but it is a reminder of our potential when we retain and, as necessary, reclaim our Christ-centered focus. Thus we give thanks! Please touch or click the link below to read the story. Lifesaving Station Grace and peace, Fr. Rod+
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