Dear Ones,
I want to bring your attention today to the fact that while we’ve had a bit of a respite as of late (thank you, Jesus), Covid-19 is still around and amongst us each day. And this week, it made its return to our CCS campus. The school board met and faithfully decided to inform the families of our students so they could make the best decisions possible for their needs and it felt important for us as a united community to keep you in the loop too.
After examination, we are not going to change our current worship protocols, but I would remind you of a few options so you are able to make the best decisions for your circumstances too.
1. Our 9am worship online will remain available for those who would prefer an added layer of separation from gatherings. We are committed to providing some sort of online worship option for these who are in need of it.
2. Masks will not be required at the 10:30am service, but I will be asking the altar party to mask during the distribution of communion when we’re in closer contact with all of you. Masks and sanitizer will also remain available in the Narthex. If you have any sniffle or tickle, please default to caution. While it’s heavily allergy season right now, it could be Covid too as the symptoms often overlap. Please love your neighbor as yourself by taking a precaution if you feel that tickle on any given Sunday.
3. The 6pm service has been a mixed house of masked and unmasked, but due to lower numbers, our ability to social distance has been greater. So if you would still like to attend live worship but with less folks around, the 6pm service is a great option for you at this time. And again, the altar party will mask for the distribution of communion to the congregation.
So what I can tell you is that there’s promising news headed our way thanks to an emergency authorization being near for vaccines for our youngest children and that we are getting closer to herd immunity. The CDC states we are in a ‘transitional phase’ into a ‘controlled endemicity’. Covid is still a public health threat, but they are hopeful that future variants will encounter enough immunity in our population to be more mild than what we’ve seen. And so we will be cautiously optimistic for the future. Additionally, we will continue to keep each other informed so we can make as wise a decision as possible about how we keep each other as safe as possible. At the heart of those choices is Love.
Thank you for all you do to keep one another safe and well.
Thank you for the many ways you’ve reached out to one another during this difficult season.
Let us continue to love one another as He has loved us.
See you in church.
Mother Erika
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