Hard to believe, but here we are in Lent. This season can be such a rich opportunity for all of us to self-examine, explore our faith, and go deeper into who we feel called to be. God is with us as we do this meaningful work and will never leave us to be alone.
In spite of that, the world can feel pretty lonely sometimes. For all of us! Everyone is out there seeking connection, seeking friendship, seeking love, seeking hope. That’s why the theme of our Lenten program this year is Evangelism 101. Stats show that Episcopalians only invite someone to church three times in their whole LIVES! We can amend that—together. By learning what the basics of Episcopal Evangelism looks like, we can share the story of our faith in meaningful, rich ways.
It often seems to be the case that when we think of evangelism, what comes to mind are some fairly pushy people, possible demands, coercion, or worse! Yikes! But in this model, we are going to learn how to authentically connect, to share and invite, and to do it in a way that feels life-giving to all involved.
All of this will be another launching pad for the future of CCA as you walk into your next rector’s tenure together later this year. Won’t they be delighted by a group who knows how to invite people to church?! A rare find indeed!
So I hope you’ll join us on the Wednesday evenings of March for this important work together, beginning next week, March 1 -- 5:30pm dinner, 6-7pm program. A children’s program will also be provided! Let Ms. Shana know if your children will be a part:
We’ll have traditional Lenten dinners: soup and bread. If you would like to sign up to bring part of the meal one week, please let the office know ( or just come the first week and we will have a sign-up available there!
I look forward to walking through this beautiful season together with you. While I’ll be away this weekend visiting my mother in MN (pray for less snow!), I will be back for our first Lenten program and can’t wait to see you then.
Mother Erika
The Rev. Canon Erika von Haaren
Interim Rector
Christ Church of the Ascension
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