Last week we celebrated All Saints’ Day at CCS. The Third and Fourth Graders visited the Memorial Garden. We looked at all the plaques and found the names of people with whom we share something in common. For some it was a name. For others it was a birthday. Whatever drew a child to a specific person, we did rubbings of the plaques. Then we prayed for all the people who came before us and lifted up the souls of the people interned in our Memorial Garden.
I was drawn to the plaque for Gina Hazelton. She was a friend and neighbor. Her youngest daughter, Meghan, was good friends with my oldest son, Ryan. They went to school together from Kindergarten through 8th Grade. Gina and I were moms together. I miss her wisdom and her kindness. She had a quiet smile that never failed to make a situation better.
You may have friends and family in the garden. Even after we celebrated All Saints’ Day, let us lift up our memories of loved ones departed. This week we lift up Samuel Seabury, the first bishop of the Episcopal Church. May Samuel, Gina, and all our saints, rest in peace and rise in glory.
Chaplain Erin
The Rev. Erin Cox Oney
Associate Rector, Christ Church of the Ascension
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