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Welcome to Christ Church of the Ascension, we are glad you are here and welcome you in the name of Christ. This is an Episcopal parish where our life together is built around our mission to Know, Love, and Serve Christ.

Know Christ. The faith tradition of the Episcopal Church is centered in Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. Our primary books are The Holy Bible and The Book of Common Prayer.

Love Christ.  The church is not a building, but a community of disciples of Jesus who aim to love God and to love their neighbors as themselves.

Serve Christ. Everyone is called to serve in a rich variety of ways - how do you like to serve?

If you are new, we'd love to get to know you better and see how CCA can meet you where you are on your faith journey. If you would like to chat and learn more, please contact us to arrange a meeting with a priest and we will get in touch with you.

Simply Church

We say “Simply Church” for a couple reasons. First, as Episcopalians, we know that our worship style can be a bit daunting if one is new to it. Know that it’s okay to observe, follow along in the bulletin, and just allow the rhythm to engage your senses. You don’t have to know “how” to worship here. If you have questions, feel free to ask your neighbor in the pew, or ask the clergy after worship. Either way, it’s okay to just keep it simple until it connects for you.


The other reason we say “Simply Church” is because at the end of the day, we are simply a community of people who love God and want to be together in that mutual love. So even though we are a church that does worship in a fairly particular way (for which there are very cool reasons actually—another fun thing to chat with clergy about!), we could have a day in which we screw it all up and yet we would still be Simply Church: a group of people joined together in love of God and neighbor no matter what. 

Holy Communion

Our communal worship is liturgical (that’s an old word that means “the work of the people”), and so we all do it together. We speak prayers together, hear Scripture together, learn, confess, receive forgiveness, and break bread together.


We offer Holy Communion every Sunday—it is the meal that Jesus demonstrated for us in Scripture, so we remember it weekly. The Episcopal Church at large says that all persons who are baptized are welcome to receive Holy Communion. If you’re not baptized, but feel drawn to receive the bread and wine, you will not be turned away. And if you’d like to learn about becoming baptized, chat with one of the clergy.


If you’d like to get involved in helping during worship on Sunday, let us know too. You could be an usher, read a lesson, serve the chalice, and more. You are welcome to be as involved as you wish.   

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