Dear Family of God,
It’s hard to believe Autumn has ARRIVED! With it comes the program year filled with opportunities to grow in our faith. We are making some adjustments to our formation classes to accommodate all the many things we have happening this year, so I want you to be ‘in the know’ so you can participate where you feel called.
Keep your eye out for special topics of study and formation that will come about this year for your growth and edification. If you’d like to learn about how you might develop yourself as a leader of formation classes at CCA, please speak with me! To get connected with any of these groups, check our website or email me at
Sunday School – Grades K-5: begins September 11 and runs weekly from 10:20am through mid-service in Ascension Chapel. Kids enjoy activities, prayers, and stories based in the faith! Nursery Care is available for children from age 0-4 in the Toddler's Place room across from the church office.
S.W.A.G. (Servants with Amazing Grace) Youth Group: grades 6-12 meet monthly in Parish Hall after 10:30am worship service. This group focuses on serving others, developing life-long friendships, and praying together. Sign up to attend S.W.A.G. events HERE!
The Catechumenate: begins October 16 for 6 weeks at 9am on the East side of Parish Hall. This is a class for those new to the Episcopal Church, those about to experience baptism, or those seeking to be confirmed or received by the Bishop when she visits in January.
Youth Confirmation class: This is a preparation class for young people (4th Grade and older) who choose to be confirmed by the Bishop at her visit in January. Participants meet in the Teen Center on the first Sunday evening of the month at 5pm and worship together at the 6pm service after class!
EFM (Education for Ministry): meets 6pm weekly in the Teen Center beginning October 2. This class has an Episcopal curriculum that dives into church history, scripture, and theology.
Men’s Prayer/Share: meets on ZOOM on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7pm; men gather to share their faith and be in prayer together.
Healing Eucharist Service at 10am in the East church chapel – learn about the saint of the day and how to participate in healing prayers for self and others.
Discipleship Group begins September 14 and meets Wednesdays at 11 am – join a study of a faith-based book in fellowship with others.
Choir Practice at 7pm in the choir room – learn to make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Women’s Bible Study begins September 15 and meets Thursdays at 10am. This study follows the Sunday readings and delves into where God is speaking in each of our lives.
*Our Sunday afternoon class (formerly held at 1pm on Zoom) is currently on hold, though it may pop into the 9am slot after the Catechumenate class completes in November.
**And our Wednesday evening book study group (formerly held at 6pm on Zoom) will return when we get to Lent next spring.
Mother Erika
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