Grant, O merciful God, that your Church, being gathered
together in unity by your Holy Spirit, may show forth your
power among all peoples, to the glory of your Name;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirt, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Beloved in Christ,
As we begin new ministry together I want to thank you for your warm welcome this past Sunday. Your outpouring of love and joy was a sign of the visible and ever abiding presence the Spirit of the living Christ within us and among us as in our worship and fellowship together!
For the next several weeks and months in my newsletter article, I will offer the Collect of the Day from the Sunday prior. The Collects of Thomas Cranmer are a centerpiece of our Eucharistic liturgy but easily overlooked or passed over quickly. Yet each one is a spiritual and literary masterpiece meant to take us across the seasons of the Church Year, providing insight and a sense of purpose for our congregational life.
Consider each collect a form of sacred reading,
lectio divina. Read it more than once, each time sharpening your focus to determine the theme and better understand the meaning. I suggest “unity” as a keyword for your mediation on this text. Think of the various ways that unity may become for us not only a state of being but a spiritual practice. The collect tells us that unity itself is a work of the Holy Spirit and how we display God’s works to the world around us!
Grace and peace,
Fr. Rod+
The Rev. Fr. Rodney S. Hurst
Rector, Christ Church of the Ascension
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