A great class starts Sunday - join us! And THANK YOU!
What an exciting day we had on Sunday—the energy was palpable and positive—I hope you got to have a meaningful experience in the Summit sharing your hopes and vision for CCA’s future. Now it is the Holy Spirit’s work to inspire the words for our Profile and to inspire applicants to submit themselves for consideration! A HUGE thank you to the Search Committee and the staff for their amazing work coordinating this big day and making it beautiful and meaningful. You all are fantastic!!
As we look ahead, I want to draw your attention to an opportunity to go a little deeper into your faith that begins this Sunday: our fall Catechumenate class begins this Sunday at 9am in the Parish Hall. This class is often seen as just for those preparing for baptism/confirmation/reception. But it’s actually for any and all who would like to get a little firmer grasp on what it means to be Episcopalian/Anglican and what being active in the Christian faith might look like! It’s a 6-week course that ends just before Thanksgiving and is led by our Deacon, Jean Hawkins. I commend it to you as a way to get to know others, and to enhance your faith journey this fall at CCA. Come and check it out THIS Sunday!
Mother Erika
The Rev. Erika von Haaren
Interim Rector
Christ Church of the Ascension
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