Dear Ones,
As a student of Brene Brown’s work for the past decade, I work hard to be attentive to what she has called her Guideposts for Wholehearted Living.
If you haven’t seen these before, I’d urge you to spend a few minutes thinking about the ones that perhaps resonate most with you. Where do you get hung up most often? In worrying about what people thing? In comparing yourself to others? In needing to always be in control? If you’re at all like me, you might cycle through any number of these regularly, and must move with intention back toward what you’d rather be cultivating.
To that end, I invite you to particularly engage Guidepost #7 this weekend: Cultivating Play and Rest! At our game night on Saturday evening, we will play and laugh and forget the cares of the world for a spell. It’ll be a little gift to ourselves. Brown’s research shows that when we’re cultivating play and rest, we are trying to let go of is exhaustion as a status symbol and productivity as our self-worth. Sometimes we can find ourselves in the territory of working SO hard to try and show our worth – to feel like we are valid and valuable to our families, employers, and communities. But research shows that when we overwork ourselves and don’t make room for rest and play, all areas of our life are diminished – including our productivity!
So I urge you to join me and your other CCA friends on Saturday for a little R&R.
See you in Parish Hall at 5pm. Bring a game you love, a snack to share, and wear your comfy pants: we’re going to rest and play together! 😊
Mother Erika
The Rev. Canon Erika von Haaren
Interim Rector
Christ Church of the Ascension
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